Social network tied people up through their interested, ideas, friendship, etc. For me, I don’t really use those social networking sites that much because there is always a new social networking site comes out from the time.
I remember in 2003, my first social networking site is Xanga. That time, not a lot of people use social networking site. Now, there are 6,000,000 registered as a Xanga user. Then I started to use Friendster. Friendster is very easy to start to use social networking site. On Friendster’s homepage, there is look very clear and easy to use. It’s show the Popular Members and New Members. After Friendster, I used Hi5. I played Hi5 because most of my friends in Thailand are there. Before, Hi5 dosen’t has Thai language but now it does. It is also pretty to use and posts everything up to your webpage. Then it’s time for MySpace. At this point, I don’t want to have another account anymore. However, I registered it but never use them because my friends moved from Hi5 to MySpace. Somehow, I think that myspace is involve more with the advertising too much. MySpace is “a place for friends.” However, on its homepage, I only see advertisements. Then later, facebook became popular. Of course, I stop to register for an account in there (still stick to Hi5). For me, when I get to, I don’t really like it. I didn’t see anything unless I sign in to the account. They should put new members or the latest update or something like that to make me click on those and look at other people’s page. That’s made me close the site (this might just happen to only me that tired to make a new webpage).
Most of the social networking sites that I mentioned are mostly that same. The only slightly different is their features and what kinds of group of people are in there. For example, Thai people are using Friendster and Hi5. MySpace is popular in the United States, Canada and Europe. The main purpose of these sites is to connect people together as the concept of six degree of separation.
Here is a video from youtube that explain better about the
i have my accounts on those social networking sites that you mentioned up there also.. add me up! lolz
Hey when someone makes the page for the advertising media on wiki.Just drop me a comment .I ll update that on my page.
I also use Facebook and Myspace. Facebook is more of a social networking website while Myspace is for musicians given that the user's page has an embedded Macromedia player plugin.
I started out with a xanga but got tired of fixing the page and adding accessories to it. =T
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